Source FAQs -

Disclaimer: prioritizes user experience. As a source, you have no special rights or privileges. Conducting business via Private Messaging is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Website Submission and Verification

To submit your website, please visit our contact page. Note the following requirements:

  • We do not accept startups or email-only businesses.
  • Websites must have a functional shopping cart.
  • Your business should be established for at least six months.
  • Free hosting services are not accepted.
  • You must have proper infrastructure for online business.

Advertising on

Consult our advertising guidelines and contact us through the contact page. We strictly prohibit ads linking to sites selling anabolics or illegal substances.

Review and Voting Policies

  • You may encourage customers to write reviews, but fabricated reviews and votes are strictly forbidden.
  • Offering products or benefits in exchange for reviews is prohibited.
  • Do not use tactics suggesting that promotions on might grant users discounts or freebies.

Promotional Strategies

Advertising websites, offers, or services in forums or source discussion pages is considered spam and may result in account suspension.

Becoming a SOURCE (SRC) Member

  1. Ensure you have a fully functional shopping cart website.
  2. Your business should be established for at least six months.
  3. Complete a Domain Control Verification (DCV).
  4. Include a link on your website to your MuscleGossips review page.

For more details, visit our contact page.

SRC Privileges

  • Interact with our users.
  • Modify certain details on your review page.
  • Access a dedicated "Source Discussion" thread.

Note: SRC members cannot moderate reviews.

Representatives Policy

Representatives are not allowed on

Dispute Resolution

We do not intervene in order-related concerns. However, we may verify complaint legitimacy and user authenticity in certain cases. Proof of purchase may be required within 5 business days to maintain review and vote status.

For any additional questions or concerns, please visit our contact page.