How to do intermittent fasting

How to do intermittent fasting


To do intermittent fasting, you need to program periods of restricted food intake, interspersed with periods in which you can eat without restriction. 


If you have never fasted before, it is normally recommended to fast once a week for a maximum period of 16 hours. The fasting period can be increased gradually, that is, you can start by doing 12 hours and, as you adapt, increase the hours of fasting.


Before starting the fasting period, it is recommended to have a low-carb meal, as this makes it easier to stay hungry during the fast. In the first 4 hours, the body uses the energy provided by the last meal.



Types of intermittent fasting


There are different types of intermittent fasting. The main ones include:


16-hour fast: consists of going 16 hours without eating, and eating 3 to 4 meals in the remaining 8 hours of the day. Understand better how to fast for 16 hours;

20-hour fast: is done without eating for 20 hours and eating meals during the remaining 4 hours of the day;

24-hour fast: is done with a full day of fasting, and can be done 2 or 3 times a week.

There is also a type of intermittent fasting in which the person eats without restrictions for 5 days and chooses 2 days to reduce the diet to around 500 calories per day.