Masteron when you have to use?

Masteron is usually used in cutting cycles together with other steroids such as winstrol, testosterone and trenbolone, with the purpose of generating greater muscle density (this does not mean you should do this too). However, its benefits are usually more visible when you already have a low fat percentage. Masteron is not a drug capable of generating significant gains in hypertrophy (which is why it is used with other steroids together). It is usually used by bodybuilders who are already preparing, just to generate more muscle density and other aspects that will be put to good use in the pre-competition phase (and in the competition itself). That's why most masteron cycle recommendations suggest being below 12% fat to see the results that the drug can bring. Dosage The typical dosage of masteron during cycles is 300 to 700mg per week. People with no experience with the drug usually start with 300mg. For most people, the “middle ground” that doesn’t cause as much harm is usually around 500 mg per week.