Deca nandrolone

Deca durabolin (or nandrolone) is one of the most effective anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass and strength at proportional levels. The gains will take time to appear, but they will appear and consistently. Because of this, the cycle is usually longer than with oral drugs. It is a relatively safer hormone for men, but the fact that it is extremely suppressive makes it necessary to use testosterone concomitantly. In fact, deca, testosterone and dianabol cycles have been the bread and butter of the bodybuilding world for several decades. In the golden age of bodybuilding, there were basically only these steroids available and all bodies at that time were built with their help. And more. As at that time there was no control of estrogen and other known side effects of testosterone and dianabol, many bodybuilders could use nandrolone alone. Whether this caused more extreme side effects is unknown, but it is known that several physiques may have been built on deca alone, which at least proves its value as an anabolic agent.