Telmisartan wonder pill

Telmisartan vs Cardarine

Telmisartan the wonder drug !

I love cardarine since the first day I use it , I start losing fat much quicker , my good cholesterol got higher , something very important for us fitness athletes and my cardiovascular performance increases 100% , so I go from 30min stairs to 60min easy in just days using cardarine . The only downside of cardarine is some studies telling in higher dosages and long time use can give cancer ( but you will need a super higher dosage to do that ) . So cardarine is my sarm of choice.
But one day I check my blood pressure and was high and I start taking Telmisartan and after some day I start felling better , more performance , less abdominal fat and as I always do I go search and talk with some coaches and I conclude im using a WONDER DRUG , that every bodybuilder should use TELMISARTAN.

Beneficts I got:
*Increase cardiovascular performance
*Burn visceral fat
*Reverse anabolic steroid induced left ventricle hypertrophy
*Improves insulin sensitivity
*Reduce risk of stroke
*Reduction of risk of atherosclerosis
*Improves brain health
*Improves mood and energy
And of course the main reason why it was made for medicine: Reduce blood pressure

Dosage for bodybuilders mostly for performance and burn visceral fat is 80 to 160mg per day