Top 4 hormones in Bodybuilding

The most important hormones for a bodybuilder

To achieve a level of Men's physique or beach body you don't need to use HGH and Insulin, but to be a top amateur and then professional bodybuilding athlete they are undoubtedly essential.

1st HGH, without it in your blood you will never reach a professional level condition.

2nd Trenbolone Acetate: it is without a doubt the most important anabolic steroid for the athlete, even more important than HGH in terms of muscle quality. Without using it you will never have the necessary quality to be a top athlete, with it you will be fibered, vascularized and tight but dense as ever.

3rd Insulin: Without it you will never go on stage weighing more than 100kg 5% fat for 1.70cm. Insulin makes a real mutation from big to MONSTER.

4th Testosterone: It is always necessary in cycles but must be used by cycling the doses. It's great for adding more size to an already super defined physique. Low doses are recommended unless you use a lot of HGH and then you can abuse Testosterone more. It is necessary to maintain energy levels and a good mood, but it can ruin the condition of any athlete during preparation by retaining too much.